In Wisdom All Things



Psalm 103 (104 MT)

Bless the Lord, my soul! O Lord my God, you have been greatly magnified. You have clothed yourself with thanksgiving and majesty, wrapping yourself in light as in a cloak, stretching out the heavens like a curtain, roofing his upper chambers with waters, placing clouds as his mount, walking on the wings of the wind, making spirits his Angels and a flame of fire his Ministers, establishing the earth on its sure base; it will not be moved to age on age. The deep, like a cloak, is its mantle; waters will stand upon the mountains. At your rebuke they will flee; they will quail at the voice of your thunder. The mountains will rise and the plains descend to the place which you established for them. You fixed a limit that they will not pass, nor will they return to cover the earth. You send out springs into the valleys; waters will run between the mountains. They will give drink to all the beasts of the field; the wild asses will await them to quench their thirst. Beside them the birds of the air will make their dwelling: and sing among the rocks. He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the earth will be filled from the fruit of your works. He makes grass spring up for the cattle, and green herb for the service of mankind; to bring food out of the earth, and wine makes glad the human heart; to make the face cheerful with oil, and bread strengthens the human heart. The trees of the plain will be satisfied, the cedars of Lebanon that you planted. There the sparrows will build their nests; the heron’s dwelling is at their head. The high mountains are for the deer; rocks a refuge for hares. He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knew the hour of its setting. You appointed darkness, and it was night, in which all the beasts of the forest will prowl; young lions roaring to plunder and to seek their food from God. The sun rose and they were gathered together and they will lie down in their dens. Man will go out to his labour; and to his labouring until evening. How your works have been magnified, O Lord. With wisdom you have made them all, and the earth was filled with your creation. See, this great, wide sea; there there are creeping things without number, living creatures small and great. There ships go to and fro; this dragon which you fashioned to sport in it. All things look to you to give them their food in due season. When you give it them, they will gather it.

Taken 17 Feb 2016 whilst driving on Colorado 50

Resources Mentioned:
Why are the Psalms numbered in different ways?
Bible Project Series on the Chaos Dragon.
Dragon imagery in the Bible.

Prayer of the Optina Elders
O Lord, grant that I may greet the coming day in peace.
Help me to rely upon Your holy will at every moment.
In every hour of the day, reveal Your will to me.
Bless my association with all who surround me.
Teach me to treat whatever may happen with peace of soul and with firm conviction that Your will governs all.
In all of my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings.
In unforeseen events, let me not forget that all are sent by You.
Teach me to act firmly and wisely without embittering and embarrassing others.
Give me strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall bring.
Direct my will.
Teach me to pray.
Pray Yourself in me. Amen.

A Menu for the Series:
Intro; Psalm 103 (Vespers); Psalm 3 (Matins); Psalm 37 (Matins); Psalm 62 (Matins); Psalm 87 (Matins); Psalm 102 (Matins); Psalm 142 (Matins); Psalm 5 (1st Hour); Psalm 89 (1st Hour); Psalm 100 (1st Hour); Psalm 16 (3rd Hour); Psalm 24 (3rd Hour); Psalm 50 (3rd Hour); Psalm 53 (6th Hour); Psalm 54 (6th Hour); Psalm 90 (6th Hour); Psalm 83 (9th Hour); Psalm 84 (9th Hour); Psalm 85 (9th Hour); Psalm 148, 149, 150 (Lauds).

Why are the Psalms numbered in different ways?



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